BlogHer Keynote -- A Group of Self Taught Geeks who are doing amazing things!
The keynote kicked off in Chicago with an amazing group of women! BlogHer was totally sold out! In today's world of travel cut backs, and reduced expenses this is amazing to see over 2K women!
Some of the key points:
- Women are the majority of internet usage now - 53%
- Women who are on the internet trust the internet information more than other sources
- Women Online - Frugalistas and Hard News Junkies. The tops are those on frugal shopping and politics (the Obama/Clinton campaign took the number of women politics blogs went from 300 to over 2000!)
- Strongest social users are those who blog.
- The Economist - The Story of Women Online! Lisa discussed her decision to leave CNN and start BlogHer. An amazing insightful decision!
- BlogHer is about the people! Velveteen Mind
There are multiple tracks!!!
Business of blogging, Geek Labs, Leadership, Passions, and room of your own! Oh, also the Mommy bloggers too.
Every major company is here.....Microsoft, HP, Sprint, etc.