Suggested Keynote Speeches & Programs
Innovation: Up, up and away! Superpowers Needed For Out of This World Innovative Cultures
- Leadership
- Creativity
- Team
- Innovation
Audience: C-suite eager to deliver stronger innovation across the enterprise
We live in a Shark Tank world: the competition is fierce, the talent is better than ever, and threats now emerge from all over the globe. Firing squads are everywhere; the world is now truly flat. CEOs everywhere are seeking to innovate, but doing so is elusive and complex. In fact 81 percent say their teams are not equipped to meet the challenges needed to compete in today’s marketplace.
Consider the following: half of the S&P 500 companies will be replaced in the next ten years. In addition, companies used to be on the S&P 500 for 33 years. Now it is only 14 years. The new mantra is: innovate or die.
Executives are searching for the right answers: How exactly do large enterprises remain nimble, and innovate quickly? What role does diversity play in innovation? Can corporations and large enterprises employ lean startup techniques to nurture innovation? What extra powers are needed to innovate? Is it enough to have speed and vision? Or is something else needed to fly high?
In this session, participants will gain insight into best practices for hiring and innovation. Most importantly, they will see the value of wild ducks. In this session, executives will develop and hone their super powers: agility, speed, telepathy, x-ray vision, and the spidey sense needed to capture their future clients. These insights are based on Sandy Carter’s research of founders and 20+ years of experience in a Fortune 25 company. Put simply: When companies learn how to innovate, their products become more desirable, their customers turn into advocates, and their best employees never want to leave. Takeaways include how to:
- Identify your levers in your industry
- Learn and assess your Super Powers
- Explore value of Innovation Outposts, Garages, and more
- Increase value among teams
This is a powerful, funny, high-energy presentation, filled with interaction. Each participant and team discovers how environment impacts the top five super powers.
Creating a Technology Toolkit:Epic Technologies Your Business Needs to Survive
- Information technology
- Business impact
- Innovation
Audience: C-suite business leaders gain insights on how new technologies drive business outcomes.
It is a given that technology is embedded into every aspect of business. Along with this technology is globalization, which drives a world of tomorrow – one that looks very different than today. However, technology is only valuable if it focuses on business outcomes.
In this session, participants will learn about five epic technologies that are guaranteed to deliver strong business outcomes. What is the best way to employ these new technologies? How can an innovative culture foster the best possible uses of these technologies? How can business leaders use them to disrupt the status quo? How do you create the measurable to form a business case, and what role do metrics play in all this?
Sandy Carter teaches audiences in understandable terms that can be digested by all audiences. How can executives embed new technologies into their companies using the internet of things, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, social business and gamification. She will present real world examples of companies employing these technologies now, providing a glimpse into the next generation. Based on her current views into the latest innovations, research, insights gleaned as an advisor to startups and accelerators, and 20+ years of experience in a Fortune 25 company, audiences will learn:
- Business implications of the technologies
- Examples of how competitors in your industry are using these epic technologies today
- How startups are jump-starting innovative business models with these technologies
- Assess business needs
- Increase skills of your teams.
This is a powerful, funny, high-energy presentation, filled with interaction. Each participant and team discovers how these technologies impact your business outcomes.
The Big Bang: Digital Transformation of Your Business
- Digital transformation
- Social sales and marketing
- Innovation
Audience: C-suite focused on social selling and marketing eager to learn best practices and how to jump into the digital world.
Everyone’s talking about digital. From the client who is shopping via a phone to the employee who is leveraging their iPad with software in the cloud to your sales team gaining leads through social media.
The amount of data to analyze within these transactions is staggering. Marketing teams are completely overwhelmed. However, if companies don’t personalize their customer care, someone else will. And while digital transformation will look different at each company, there are five common actions necessary for a big bang.
Digital transformation is not just about technology but a cultural mindset. While the technology is not easy, a recent Forrester study finds that company culture is often the stumbling block in digital transformation efforts.
Sandy explores the five digital and social actions needed from her experience as one of the Forbes Digital Influencers in 2016 and from her 20+ years of experience in a Fortune 25 company. In this presentation, participants will gain insight on how to master best practices in digital to transform both the client and employee experience, and add value in first projects. Participants will learn from examples and frameworks so that they can begin to leverage social networks in their current environments.
Audiences will learn how to:
- Identify the core changes in the landscape
- Address company culture
- Navigate new skills needed
- Explore new business models and ecosystems (subscription, freemium, and more)
This is a powerful, funny, high-energy presentation, filled with interaction. Each participant and team discovers how environment impacts the top five digital actions to create a big bang.
Why Sandy?
Sandy Carter is a dynamic and engaging speaker with an extensive portfolio of topics that cover business leadership and transformation, disruptive technology, new, social and mobile media, connected consumerism, and the evolution of the digital lifestyle in culture and society.
Sandy believes in custom presentation based on level of audience, industry, and location. As an advisor to many startups, and a regular sought after judge of pitch competition, Sandy is consistently on the top of new trends, approaches, and agile working methods. Her ability to connect the dots for hosts and attendees provides tangible value and direction. And, her motivational approach leaves audiences feeling empowered.
Sandy delivers actionable insight – Helping participants understand the opportunity before them, what they need to do moving forward, and how to execute and measure success.
Sandy delivers engagement and inspiration – Turning audiences into stakeholders by motivating participants to embrace new opportunities and consider new possibilities.
“We had the honor of having Sandy speak at our AI event in San Francisco. Before the event, several people told me what an awesome speaker she was, so my expectations were high. But Sandy knocked it out of the park: She was brilliant, funny, insightful, and gave a masterful presentation. To top all that off, she is super easy work with and a total professional. My only regret was that I didn’t give her a bigger slot!”
~ Byron Reese, AI Publisher

Sandy with Steve Woz (Apple)

Sandy with Mark Burnett (Shark Tank & Survivor)

Sandy with Josh Linkner (The Road to Reinvention)

Sandy with Jeremiah Owyang, CEO Crowd Companies

Sandy with Tamara McCleary, Top Influencer to CIOs

Sandy with Robert Scoble, Virtual Reality Author

Sandy on the CES 2017 Panel

Sold Out! Speaking on Top Tech Trends at PBWC!

Sandy with Amy Cuddy (TED)

Sandy with Randi Zuckerburg

Sandy with Megan Smith, CTO of the USA at SXSW

Sandy with Mark Josephson, CEO Bitly

Sandy with Jason Calacanis, CEO Launch and Top 5 Angel in Silicon Valley

Sandy with Aaron Levi, CEO of Box