Aussie Case Study -- Live from Web 3.0!

Alex Crompton is speaking about his Social media experiences and sharing best practices!

What's his challenge?  92% unaided brand awareness but only 6% market share.   His view was that social media could assist with market share!

His view:  Social Media is an engagement technique not a selling technique!

How did he start:  In Australia, he looked at where people went.  In Australia, average time spent is around 6 hours.   You cannot buy people's time and attention in the SM space.  Interruption marketing will be rejected!  Give them something they value.  Earn the right to sell!

The bottom line:  Alimeter/Wetpaint Market Research:

The most valuable brands in the world are experiencing a direct correlation between top financial performance and deep social media engagement.

Modeled after Obama's campaign.  The message was the core -- the change.   Listened and then changed the core message based on feedback.  The hub and spoke model!   Not back to the old Ogilvy model!

#1 tactic used: SEO -- #1 ROI producer for Social Media.  Social Media supports SEO through referred links.

Social Media from Australia! Live from Web 3.0!

Coke of Australia did a very cool campaign on surfing!  Some results include 1.5 M fans, Events statistics -- 38K people!  Video on surfing -- played 38K times in Australia!

Pringles of Australia:  Pringles (chips) got 250,000 FB fans in Oz in 5 weeks. That's 250,000 relationships they don't have get again -9 million users in Oz, double what it was a year ago. Big growth segment now is ages 35+

Chase and Facebook!  Created a black card and points -- you can pool points together (along your mates). Chase shared financial informatoin with the 18-24 year olds and so started a long term relationship!  Chase found that most wanted to donate their points to a cause.... great job of social marketing.

Government 2.0 and Web 3.0 -- live from Web 3.0 Conference in Sydney

Government 2.0 was a discussion point at the Web 3.0 conference!

Examples given ..

  • National Weather Service -- released the data.   Within 30 days, there were 6 innovative applications to show the data. 
  • On Nov 14th, the MBTA released real time data for bus schedules.  Within one hour, there was a google app to leverage the data.   In 5 weeks, iPhone apps, displayed on buses.  In 8 weeks, there was a full blown google app.  Even a watch with the bus schedule shown!
  • National library newsletter digitsation project to have crowdsourcing to fix the errors within.  The goal is to do something great for society.  Runs 24/7 since launch.  Julie Hempenstall has corrected over 300K erros! 23% of correctors are overseas.  Over 7million lines of text corrected! 
  • Justin McMurry of Keller Texas -- Volunteers for Help Desk for Verizon.  Public organizations where people volunteer their time.
  • It's Buggered mate.   Site to show where you have issues on your street, etc.    To fix issues in the cities in Australia!  This is a mashup from crowdsourcing.  Govt is doing what govt does -- fix the roads.  But the public is helping identify and produce user interface!