Social Business Coffee Break! For Social, should you do an Open Pilot or Closed Pilot? #ibmsocialbiz #socbiz
Happy Social Business Coffee Break!
Due to the announcement yesterday, our Coffee Break is today -- Tuesday!
I focused on the question from our crowd sourcing of topics you guys were interested in!
Our next crowd sourced section is "do you recommend an Open Pilot or a Closed Pilot for a social project!" Thanks for the input!
As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts"
Line of Business like CMOs and CHRO's have more funding for new IT projects than the CIO? Thoughts? #socbiz #ibmsocialbiz #ibm
Yesterday we announced the intent to acquire Kenexa.
During the US Open, we showcased these ads for the CMO! Why? Ressearch shows that for new IT projects, the line of business actually has more money than does the CIO! Thoughts?