New Year Resolution: Social Leadership #ibmsocialbiz #ibm #socbiz #ibmconnect

Have you set your New Year's Resolutions yet?  I am still working mine but today as I sat down with one of our clients, and his New Year's resolution was social leadership.

What does a Social Leader look like?  Act like?

Here's what we agreed were the top 10 attributes (thoughts?)

  1. Transparent
  2. Non believer in silos
  3. Authentic
  4. Likeable
  5. Collaborative
  6. Comfortable with fast decision making
  7. Explorer of new tools
  8. Active in both internal and external networking
  9. Actively looks for new ideas from employees and clients
  10. Passionate about engagement and dialogure

Would this challenge to be a great social leader in 2013 be a New Year Resolution for you?

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