Internet of Things Foosball on BlueMix With Social Linkage!

Yes, the students have done it!  This is an Internet of Things Foosball Table designed by Fabian Eitel and Marcel Seibold.  In this picture, they are the 2 gentlemen playing against me !!

thumb_IMG_0357_1024This table with sensors throughout does the following: 

  • It tweets the scores.
  • It rates the probability of the winning team (my team was not rated high -- even though I did score one point!)
  • Others can tweet to cheer you on!

Here you can find our final result in Twitter as a little souvenir.

It is a very innovative way to showcase the value of the Cloud.   Marcel and Fabian are not hard core coders but were able to get this up and coming quickly because of Bluemix.

How does it work?

Sensors capture the "game" and then send the results to the cloud, where the data is analyzed and stored.   Then based on the game, Tweets are automatically sent and the probablity of a Winner Calculated!

What fun!

foosball Capture