I was just at the IMPACT conference, and a new term came up  — A business in motion!  I loved it.    It is dynamic and a living organization!  A business in motion is ready to meet customers on their terms, with a complete understanding of each customer, used to create deeper, more meaningful engagements.

Here’s what I learned about in terms of the imperatives for a Business in Motion!
5 key imperatives:

  1. Put mobile first, because this is the first point of engagement for your customers, partners and employees.
  2. Social Everywhere.   Reinvent the way you work in the market — this is the new norm.
  3. Reinvent your design and business processes to meet new expectations for instant, seamless and insightful interactions
  4. Adopt a flexible and secure integration model so that back-office systems can keep pace with rapid change
  5. Be Insight and Data Driven to uncover opportunities, build efficiencies and make informed decisions

What do you think?