IBM Cognitive Technologies to Help University...
IBM Cognitive Tech. to Help Univ. of Michigan Power Car in World Solar Challenge #solar
IBM Cognitive Technologies to Help University...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
IBM and Box Introduce Content and Collaboration...
IBM and Box Introduce Content and Collaboration Solutions #cloud #contentmanagement
IBM and Box Introduce Content and Collaboration...
IBM and Box today introduced the first set of solutions to power next generation enterprise content management and collaboration as part of its global strategic partnership.
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
IBM Makes Hybrid Cloud Apps Reality with...
IBM Makes Hybrid Cloud Apps Reality with Bluemix Local
IBM Makes Hybrid Cloud Apps Reality with...
IBM today accelerated its hybrid cloud capabilities by unveiling a cloud platform that allows enterprises to quickly build apps in a secure manner and deploy them across public, private and on-premises environments.
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
The Top 10 Startups Compete - IBM Smart Camp Semi-Finals at LAUNCH!
October 1, 2015smart camp,LAUNCH,IBM,entrepreneur
I am so excited to have our top 10 from IBM SmartCamp 2015.
We've selected our ten semi-finalists who will be headed to the LAUNCH Scale event next month in San Francisco where the most influential leaders in technology will teach founders how to scale their businesses.
Last year’s event featured tactical talks from Reddit, Twitter, Indiegogo, LinkedIn, Zillow, Yelp, and many more. LAUNCH Scale 2015 is expected to see two times the attendance and content. Thank you to all of the talented startups who competed worldwide, and congratulations to the below companies who will move on to the next phase of SmartCamp 2015.
1. Singapore - gridComm: gridComm provides power line communications semiconductors, devices and systems to transform the electricity grid into a smart grid. ( | Twitter:
2. Amsterdam - BitSaver: BitSaver's BitSensors uses big data correlation and efficient attack detection to give visual insight into attacks and creates applications that learn to defend themselves. (
3. Amsterdam - MultiSense: MultiSense B.V. is a Start-Up company engaged in the industry of multibiometrics and advanced software solutions. Its unique technology merges multi-biometric factors: face and voice recognition, fingerprint signature, combined with GPS and NFC technologies (
4. Austin - The Car Force: The connected car company that increases customer retention and satisfaction for dealerships | Twitter:
5. Montevideo - BQuate: A solution for the music and video industry, helping to sell music to online stores worldwide. ( | Twitter:
6. Auckland - Eight Wire Limited: Reduces the risk and cost of moving to PaaS and IaaS. Conductor automates the majority of the effort to make cloud migration quick and easy. (
7. Los Angeles - YOSKO: Mobile care coordination for hospitals ( |
8. Boulder - Congo: The Simplest Way to Connect with an Attorney for free. Find an attorney. Connect via video chat. Enjoy peace of mind. ( | Twitter:
9. Prague - Lime High Tech: Allows you to communicate with your mobile audience using targeted messages, personal chat or proximity based triggers to engage people in using your app or service (|
10. Mexico City - Capptu: A crowdsourced web platform designed to create a community of stock images that allows both amateur and professional photographers to have their photos available for sale in a marketplace where potential buyers can acquire licenses. ( |
All ten semi-finalists will be invited back to San Francisco in March 2016 to exhibit in the IBM SmartCamp Pavilion at LAUNCH Festival, the largest startup event in the world with over twenty-thousand attendees. Three will be selected to move on to step four, pitching live at LAUNCH Festival (
Please continue to follow the IBM Global Entrepreneur story on Twitter: for updates from our ten startups and more news.
A wearable I need ! What is it?
September 30, 2015cloud,IoT,IoT,wearablewearable,IBM,IBM
First Fitness Tracker Designed For Swimmers (Compliments to Ray Hammond for his future trends)
Yes, since my injury I have been doing a lot of PT in the pool. But there really hasn't been a FitBit that shows me how I'm doing!
It had to happen - iHealth has launched Wave, a swimming tracker that aims to help improve performance in the pool.
The wrist-based device is designed to work in and out of the pool, and will count daily steps, activity and active time.
However, it's in the pool that Wave really comes into its own. It's capable of recording stroke type, number of strokes and calories burned, and displays the information in iHealth's MyVitals 3.0 app, before offering a full report on your session.
Getting Started with AlchemyAPI on Bluemix
September 29, 2015Uncategorized
Getting Started with AlchemyAPI on Bluemix #bluemix #cloud #ibm
Getting Started with AlchemyAPI on Bluemix
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
An Overview of IBM Operational Decision Manager...
September 29, 2015Uncategorized
An Overview of IBM Operational Decision Manager on Cloud #ODM
An Overview of IBM Operational Decision Manager...
For more information, visit: We recently announced IBM Operational Decision Manager (IBM ODM) on Cloud, which puts the power of our IBM ODM in a cloud-based service. IBM ODM on Cloud is packaged in a monthly subscription and provides everything companies need to develop, test and put rules into production that lead to faster business decisions.
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
IBM Cloud Certification Application Developer -...
September 29, 2015Uncategorized
IBM Cloud Certification Application Developer - I passed and so can you #bluemix #cloud
IBM Cloud Certification Application Developer -...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
IBM Cloud Certification Application Developer -...
September 29, 2015Uncategorized
IBM Cloud Certification Application Developer - I passed and so can you #bluemix #cloud
IBM Cloud Certification Application Developer -...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Fascinating! First wearable to .....
September 29, 2015IoT,IoT,healthwearable,wearable,IBM,cloud
First Wearable To Analyze Your Saliva (compliments to Ray Hammond on his future trends!)
Your spit says a lot about your health, and now there’s wearable technology being tested to track it.
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have demonstrated a mouth guard with electronic sensors that can detect concentrations of certain chemicals in saliva. Such a gadget could be useful to soldiers, pilots, athletes, and even hospital patients.
The group recently revealed a new sensor that can detect the concentration of uric acid—an elevated concentration of uric acid in the blood and urine has been associated with various metabolic disorders.
This is the second sensor the group has made for the mouth guard. Last year, it showed that it was possible to measure lactate—elevated concentrations of which have been associated with muscle fatigue, among other things.
The device wirelessly transmits the information it collects to a smartphone or computer via Bluetooth Low Energy, a technology that consumes much less power than classic Bluetooth.