Getting started on IBM Bluemix!
July 14, 2015Web 2.0,cloud,cloud,bluemix,videobluemix,Social Business,IBM,IBM
Getting started on Bluemix?
Make mobile apps with Bluemix
Dive deeper with the community or ask questions
Act like an Open API!
July 13, 2015IBM,Women,hacks,hackscareer hack,social marketing,Social Business,IBM
Scaling from 1 to 100K+ connected devices with...
Scaling from 1 to 100K+ oh my!!!! Connected devices with IoT on Bluemix #IoT #mobile #bluemix
Scaling from 1 to 100K+ connected devices with...
If you want to learn how to connect an Internet of Things (IoT) device to the cloud and utilize the wealth of services available in today’s cloud marketplace, a couple of searches is all it takes.
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
eyeQ delivers point-of-sale targeted content...
eyeQ delivers point-of-sale targeted content with IBM Bluemix #bluemix #retail
eyeQ delivers point-of-sale targeted content...
Michael Garel, Founder & CEO of eyeQ,explains how is company has reduced time-to-market with IBM Bluemix, improved its solution with Watson services, and scaled quickly with the help of IBM. Learn more at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: IBM Client References: IBM Client References Mobile Site: Follow us on Twitter:
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Five Practical Cloud Coding Tips from an Agile...
Five Practical Cloud Coding Tips from an Agile Development Team #cloud #skills #cloud
Five Practical Cloud Coding Tips from an Agile...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Domino's Pizza App on the Apple iWatch!
July 9, 2015apple,cloud,cloud,dominodomino,iwatch,iwatch,Social Business,IBM,apple
Guys .... I love this app for the iWatch to track your pizza from your wrist! You can find the app from the iTunes store.
What other super apps are you seeing for the iWatch?
MobileFirst tweet notifications on Apple Watch
I love my iWatch!!!! MobileFirst tweet notifications on Apple Watch # #mobile #cloud
MobileFirst tweet notifications on Apple Watch
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
On GitHub: Use your smartphone as an IOT device...
On GitHub: Use your smartphone as an IOT device for connecting to the cloud #IoT #mobile #bluemux
On GitHub: Use your smartphone as an IOT device...
This application will let you use the web browser on your smartphone as an IOT device for IBM Bluemix's Internet of Things Foundation service.
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
IBM Partners with Girls Who Code to Build Women in Tech Pipeline
July 8, 2015IBM,WITI,Web 2.0girls who code,girls who code,women in tech,Marketing 2.0,social marketing,IBM
On Monday, we kicked-off of our summer immersion program with Girls Who Code – an amazing national non-profit organization that seeks to inspire, educate, and equip girls with computing skills for the 21st century!
IBM will host female high-school students in New York City for an intense, 7 week summer immersion program. These students will experience a robust curriculum of daily classroom instruction, workshops, demos, and talks by a team of remarkable female IBM leaders and more. We’re empowering these girls with hands-on training on the latest and greatest IBM Cloud has to offer! That means instruction on Bluemix, our premier PaaS solution, and a host of other Cloud technologies. They’ll receive more than 250 hours of superb training in a variety of computer science disciplines, including:
· Robotics
· Graphic design
· Mobile apps
· Data structures and algorithms
We’re also providing these girls with career advice, along with help developing their presentation skills, and inspiring their entrepreneurial pursuits. We’ve also lined up some technical experiences through field trips, including, a tour of Astor Place — home to some of our coolest IBM Cloud technologies.
This partnership demonstrates IBM's commitment to helping close the gender gap for women in technology. Currently, women hold 25% of jobs in technical fields. When deciding a college major, 0.3% of girls choose computer science.
We’re so excited to teach these young women using the latest tech from IBM Cloud -- especially Bluemix. Our goal is to enable women around the world across a variety of STEM fields and I can’t think of a greater first step than this partnership with the amazing people of Girls Who Code.
“The gender gap isn’t just a Silicon Valley issue anymore,” said Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO of Girls Who Code. “The shortage of women in technical roles, whether it’s retail or entertainment, is a massive crisis both in terms of innovation and socioeconomic equality throughout the United States. Girls Who Code has established a successful track record of empowering girls to pursue majors and careers in computer science, and we’re inspired that so many diverse companies have invested in taking our movement to the next level this year.” IBM hopes that along with Girls Who Code, we can see a reverse in this trend, and a move toward balance in the future.
In 2015, Girls Who Code will host 57 programs reaching close to 1,200 girls in nine cities nationwide throughout the summer, representing a significant increase from the 19 programs serving 375 girls in 2014. We’re proud to join this critical effort to close the gender gap in the computing and technology sector!
5 Things to Know about Cloudant
5 Things to Know about Cloudant #dbaas #database #cloudant #bigdata #cloud
5 Things to Know about Cloudant
IBM Technical Rock Star Program