Just for developers - a Quickie Guide to Why these partnerships matter! Box, Docker, and Apple
June 25, 2015box,Social Business,ecosystem,ecosystem,IBM,IBMapple,apple,bluemix,bluemix,docker,docker,box
I am here in London at the Cloud Forum! I had a great set of roundtables yesterday and got asked from many developers what do these announcements do for me!
So I took a stab at a high level view of the value!
- Existing Bluemix developers can now leverage the world class Box cloud storage API and services for their mobile and web apps! (Box API will join the rest of 100+ Enterprise developer service tile on our Bluemix service specifically made for develoeprs)
- And existing Box developers can now enjoy the speed of creating new mobile and web apps integrating Box API on Bluemix developer cloud
- What’s more, IBM has built an extensive Enterprise Content Management capabilities
- content capture, extraction, analytics, case management and governance, that are complentary
- these solutions were already deployed in many large enterprises,
- now Box developers will be able to tap into these rich enterprise content
This is particularly interesting for developers want to get into a few specific high barrier-of-entry industries including healthcare and financial industry, because in the past, the data of these enterprises are held in a vault that is difficult to get.
For example, startups can create apps using IBM ECM API to extract contents data to feed into Watson, and then allow researchers to collaborate on Box platform using the insights generated from Watson.
By helping making Docker as the standard of "write code once, and take it anywhere", it removes the lock in that many developers had to spent lots of time when they start their development on the cloud. (for example, it usually takes a couple of days to redeploy an app from developer's own machine to AWS cloud)
Through this new partnership, IBM offers "IBM containers" for developers deploying their apps onto Bluemix (public cloud) and PureApp (private cloud) and the tools managing the containers,
For the large companies that are very picky on how/where apps get deployed, this new container eliminate the extra work developer need to spend to figure out how to deploy their apps into large enterprise's private cloud.
To the iOS developers who wish to create enterprise apps which require server side data integration - the new IBM MobileFirst for iOS solutions extends IBM’s strengths of providing services and middleware with back-end support.
For many iOS apps that requiring backend services, regardless it is nodejs, Ruby on Rails or Java, Bluemix on the other hand provides composable service side app creation and deployment capabilities in an open and common environment.
For Developers who live and work with Xcode (the standard iOS app development tool made by Apple), the Mobile first and Bluemix provides common services such as Enterprise Cloud storage (include Box), backend integration, and Analytics (Watson) right inside Xcode. (btw, this is how IBM created 100+ native iOS apps for IBM enterprise clients)!!
The key here is Bluemix bring enterprise level integrity to the apps created on open source platform such as Cloud Foundry and Docker.
Globalize your Bluemix Applications without...
I love this service!!!! Globalize your Bluemix Applications without recompiling them #bluemix #globalization
Globalize your Bluemix Applications without...
Here is another short description of another awesome Bluemix service - IBM Globalization. This service provides machine translation capabilities from English to eight other languages at this point. The best feature is that you can change your strings dynamically without having to recompile and redeploy.
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
June 30, IBM Women Developers Cloud Bootcamp,...
June 25th, IBM Cloud Developer Bootcamp, Irvine, CA #ibm #cloud #bootcamp #bluemix
June 30, IBM Women Developers Cloud Bootcamp,...
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
#ILOVECONTAINERSBECAUSE DockerCon Contest-Finish the sentence & win a bag of swag @DockerCon #DockerCon #Bluecontainers
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Containers: the Answer to Modern Development...
Containers: the Answer to Modern Development Demands #developers #dockercon
Containers: the Answer to Modern Development...
Developers are under more pressure than ever to innovate, deliver, respond and react. That pressure has led to the emergence of tools and platforms that enable developers to create applications with speed. Cloud platforms like IBM Bluemix deliver the runtimes, services and tools a modern developer needs to build mobile, analytic, cognitive and web scale applications.
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
Developers, we're redefining development at DockerCon!
June 22, 2015IBM,IBM,bluemix,bluemixdocker,docker,dockercon,dockercon
I’m very excited about the upcoming DockerCon event in San Francisco, CA on June 22-23. IBM is once again a platinum sponsor of this conference and I’m so excited about our showcase announcements coming up, including our support of Docker technology through tutorials, birds of a feather sessions, keynote appearances, social media promotions, and more.
I think the biggest news is the launch of IBM Containers on Bluemix! These are production-ready containers with rich management capabilities for developers to build and run hybrid applications in the enterprise with confidence. Developers get automated monitoring and logging for the most visibility and control to Bluemix with full deployment lifecycle. IBM Containers on Bluemix scale elastically with auto-recovery to meet the needs of application demand. Developers can also utilize the wide ecosystem of services on Bluemix today such as devops tooling and integration services.
IBM Containers on Bluemix are just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve expanded our use of Docker containers to run on Power Systems and z System. IBM is the first and only Docker partner to resell Docker Hub Enterprise and we’re now offering on-premise solutions sold with Urbancode Deploy and Pure Application.
Developers are under more pressure than ever to innovate, deliver, respond and react. These same pressures inspired us to create solutions like Bluemix and our thriving, developer-focused community, developerWorks. Despite all the APIs, runtimes, and tools today’s developers need, the Docker container stands out as an incredible solution for a difficult development landscape. We've just launched an all in one IBM Container Page on developerWorks to help developers get up to speed quickly on our containers. Check it out!
Through portable packaging, Docker enables a developer to build out the software required to support an application with lightning speed and ease. They can take that data anywhere, running it on a production environment, hybrid cloud, and more.
The conference is sold out, but even if you can’t attend, you can still stay up-to-date on all the excitement at developer.ibm.com/opentech
Contribute to the conversation with #DockerCon and #bluemix.
Cloud and IOT: Making it real at the Imperial College of London
June 22, 2015Marketing 2.0,IBM,IBM,cloud,cloudbluemix,bluemix,IoT,IoT,techlondon
Around the World In 30 Days With IBM Cloud...
Around the World in 30 Days With IBM Cloud Developer Bootcamps #developers #bluemix
Around the World In 30 Days With IBM Cloud...
The Cloud Developer Bootcamp is a multi-day event taking place throughout the month of June in over 30 cities around the world!
IBM Technical Rock Star Program
IBM Cloud Technologies: How They All Fit Together
IBM Cloud Technologies: How They All Fit Together #bluemix #cloud #bluemix
IBM Cloud Technologies: How They All Fit Together
IBM Technical Rock Star Program