DDay - In Honor of my Uncle John
One of my fondest memories was coming up to Boston to visit all of my relatives (yes I had 8 aunts and uncles!) in the summer. Even as a kid I loved the food (my Aunt Marie would have 5 courses minimum) and the stories. Yes, the stories.
Uncle Johnny will forever be a part of our lives through those stories. I know he will forever be a part of my life.
Especially on D-Day.
What do I remember most when I think of Uncle Johnny?
First, I remember Johnny as a man of freedom. He didn’t talk much about the war but I know that it did impact his entire life. He was drafted at age 18 into the Army during WW II and served in the Infantry. On D-Day, June 6, 1944, he was bound for the coast of France in an LCI, Landing Craft Infantry, and was one of the last troops to descend into the waters at the beach at Normandy when he was struck by an enemy bullet in the left arm which caused him to fall backward into the LCI. He received the Purple Heart Medal for his battle incurred injury and returned to Cambridge and Family. He lived the Purple Heart and Medal of Bravery everyday even though we didn't find the medals and the stories until after he died. I thank Uncle Johnny for our freedom today.
Second, I remember a man of Faith. Yes, of course with his passion for the Patriots and Red Sox, having faith was required! But I do remember his faith is His God. Uncle Johnny was part of the knights of Lithuania. Uncle Johnny believed in His God but acted with God’s characteristics. He used to give us kids change to go down to the corner store to buy candy, and even reward us with Silver Dollars. He showed us his faith.
Third, I remember Uncle Johnny as a man of Family. My mom tells a story where Uncle Johnny brought home chocolates from his work for the family. (Of course, mom always took the orange inside!) Auntie Helen always told me he was a great Big brother – throughout his life. He worked to support the family while Auntie Anna took care of their mother. And did you know that he took me to lunch almost weekly while I was at Harvard and he walked to meet me? He and Anna had me over for every holiday that I couldn’t go home. He was my family in Boston. He never forgot a birthday or Christmas. And he always wrote us postcards from his trips – even if he did memorize the inscription! And when my kids came, he loved them too. Because they were family.
There is a saying that goes “tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.” Uncle Johnny will live in my heart forever. He will live in my kids hearts forever. And I know he will live in your hearts forever. Uncle Johnny was a person of character, humble and respectful of each person's dignity. He was never boastful nor do I recall him bragging of anything, including his purple heart and medal for bravery. He was a Man of Faith, Family and Freedom.
InXero: helping micro-businesses engage customers through social and mobile!
June 5, 2014mobile,SXSW,social,IBMmobile,smb,inxero,social business
I am in Poughkeepsie today chatting with clients and our great IBMers here! The big focus of course is on CAMS -- Cloud, Analytics, Mobile and Social!
This example highlights the value of CAMS!
75% of world trade happens through resellers says Anand Raj, CEO, InXero. Many of these are small businesses who are not necessarily good marketers. InXero gives them the tools they need to get the right content and meet the customer where they are! For instance, developing a showcase for businesses on LinkedIn can be much more impactful than the printed brochures of old.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVvawL5PLn4]
See the InXero platform in action!
And the winner of the IBM Innovate Linux on Power App Throwdown is… SparkCognition!
June 3, 2014ibm innovatelab7,linux on power,skysql,sparkcognition,corent
Big congrats to the SparkCognition team on winning the Linux on Power App Throwdown with their cognitive security insights solution!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYLYEk0heKA?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
OUT with the old hierarchy, IN with social! Qumu and Safeway!
June 2, 2014social,social media,socialytics,Social Business,IBM,social,social networking,social networkingsocial selling,internal communication,qumu,qumu,safeway,safeway,social business
For our Coffee Break this week we will explore the vast impact social is having on the structure of companies and how you can prepare your organization for collaboration.
Look to see how Qumu is revolutionizing internal communication. I am here in California and Safeway's are everywhere!
Take a peek at what they are doing!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaAHdViIrJc]
As always, let me know your feedback!
IBM Watson Mobile Developer Challenge: Top 5 Finalists display powerful cognitive computing capabilities
May 30, 2014watson,watsoncognitive,cognitive,partner,ibmpartner,IBM
First there were 25, and now there are just 5. Congratulations to the following teams on becoming the Top 5 finalists of the IBM Watson Mobile Developer Challenge!
•BrightMinded @BrightMindedLtd
•CrayonData @CrayonBigData
•GenieMD, Inc. @GenieMD
•Majestyk Apps @MajestykApps
•Red Ant @Red_Ant
Selected from hundreds of submissions, these finalists stood out for their ability to tap into the powerful cognitive computing capabilities of Watson to build innovative mobile consumer and business apps that span health & fitness, healthcare, retail, and education.
On Monday, June 2nd, at IBM Innovate in Orlando the Top 5 finalists will present their ideas to judges in a live-streamed event that begins at 5:30 pm ET. If you can't attend IBM Innovate, our live-stream feed is a great opportunity for you to watch the action! Then, on Tuesday, June 3rd, three of the finalists will be named the Grand Prize winners!
To learn more about our Top 5 finalists, go to the IBM Watson Mobile Developer Challenge website
Come to WITI! Our 25th Anniversary!
May 29, 2014social marketing,Social Business,IBM,social media,WITI,technology,eventwomen,social networ,social networs,witi,women in technology international,social media
So, why am I so excited to be attending the WITI conference in a matter of days?
Check out this video to find out!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqBw4OXAUJs&w=560&h=315]
Hopefully see you at WITI in Santa Clara, CA!
What I know about you! How digital marketing drives personalization
May 26, 2014social business,social,Social Business,social media,cloud,gigyadigital marketing,jay baer,ogilvyone,Marketing 2.0
We are seeing a huge change in digital marketing driven by CAMS (cloud, analytics, mobile, social)! In this coffee break I talk to experts from @Gigya, @OgilvyOne and the irrepressible @JayBaer about the latest trends.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8_NLPcV8FI]
Tesla Dishes on Social!
May 22, 2014social media,social marketing,Social Business,social,social mediaWeb 2.0,adoption,tiecon,tiecon2014,musk,social business
At the last TieCon event in San Fran, some got to go on a Tesla tour! What a great set of learnings but of course, loving social, I took away the following on Tesla, featured in an article in Fast Company, Musk lists 4 lessons we can all benefit from:
1. Own your executive brand – If you don’t somebody else will
2. Humanize your brand
3. Don’t show up and then fall silent
4. Use Twitter as a leadership tool
TiEcon: 4K startups, Watson, BlueMix, IoT and more!
May 21, 2014social marketing,Social Business,Internet of Things,IBM,social,watson,watson,startups,entrepreneurbluemix,tiecon,TIECON,corent,ibm cloud,tiecon2014,social media
I really had a great time at TiEcon this past week. What an event! From my Internet of Things keynote to the Watson presence and BlueMix workshop, the largest entrepreneur conference in the world was packed with a phenomenal array of business and thought leaders from across the planet!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP-T0ijrtuE]