Buildings become smarter with Big Data, Analytics, and Cloud!
May 5, 2014partner,ibm partner,buildings,business partner,social media,Rifiniti,social marketing,smarter planet,Social Business,IBMMarketing 2.0,Web 2.0,cloud,cloud,BIG Data,big data,analytics,analytics
Happy Monday and welcome to our Coffee Break!
Today, we are going to see how buildings become smarter with big data, analytics, and cloud. These "smarts" are important to help companies to optimize their office space.
Macy’s is dressing each customer with data and social!
May 2, 2014adoption,social networking,bigdata,data,Marketing 2.0,macy,social business,macy's,social mediasocial marketing,Social Business,IBM,IBM,social,social media,Blogs,Marketing 2.0,Web 2.0
I love this Macy's story of their use of Big Data and Social almost as much as I love shopping!!!!!
And read this case study! The highlights are:
- Macy’s wanted its online store to offer a more personalized shopping experience so they established a more engaging and data driven website.
- With IBM Big Data & Analytics, customer preferences can be combined with recent purchase histories to create personalized recommendations and promotions.
- The result, called "My Macy’s," is a sweeping initiative designed to embed a customer-centric philosophy into every aspect of the company’s operations.!story/20
Germany and Social Business! An Infographic
May 1, 20142014,germany,ibm impact,Marketing 2.0,social business,social media,social marketingSocial Business,IBM,IBM,social,Marketing 2.0,Web 2.0,adoption,social networking
Do you remember when we did the 5 Social Business Surprises? One of those was Germany's leadership of the world in Social Business especially inside of companies.
Now, 2 years later, we see that the social business landscape in Germany is growing in leaps and bounds. According to forecasts by the Experton Group, social business investments for communication and collaboration in Germany are set to grow by more than 50 percent per year from 2013 to 2016.
The number of social business solutions available on the market is growing at the same rapid pace. To help customers make decisions within this environment, the Experton Group identified and assessed around 100 social business offerings. The Social Business Vendor Benchmark 2014 is the first extensive comparative study of its kind in Germany.
Impact 2014 Mobile App Throwdown - and the winner is... ClickSoftware!
April 30, 2014mobile,impact2014,clicksoftwareibmimpactapp
Congratulations to ClickSoftware!
We can’t forget our great set of semi-finalists - PointSource, Arxan, and Exigen Insurance Solutions.
See more on our app throwdowns!
How do you build strong, simple security leveraging your smartphone? Lance Kelly from Toopher explains!
April 30, 2014SXSW,securitytoopher
Security is top-of-mind for many of us, yet we acknowledge that heavy security can represent a huge amount of user frustration (how many times have you been locked out of that service you love?)
Lance Kelly, VP Business Development and Partnerships, Toopher, explains how their solution leverages your mobile phone to provide an extra level of security using your normal username/password combination!
Learn more about Toopher’s security solutions
Come hear IBM Impact on the latest social trends! Session 1805, Tuesday 3.45pm
April 28, 2014social,socialytics,Social Business,impact2014ibmimpact,marketing nutz,pam moore
What are the latest social trends right now? How important is the interplay between cloud, analytics, mobile and social (CAMS)? What skills are needed to drive this business transformation?
Come hear me explain the latest social trends, together with social marketing maven Pam Moore of Marketing Nutz!
I look forward to seeing you at Session 1805 in Palazzo E, Floor 5 at 3.45pm Tuesday April 29!
Social in the Pharmacy Industry - changing the world with Alden Zecha, Sproxil
April 28, 2014Web 2.0,adoption,social networking,pharmacy,Marketing 2.0,Sproxil,social business,mobile,social media,social marketingSocial Business,IBM,IBM,mobile,social media,Blogs,Marketing 2.0
A must watch!
Who will win the Mobile App Throwdown at IBM Impact? You decide!
April 27, 2014mobile,bluemix,impact2014arxan,clicksoftware,exigen,ibmimpactapp,pointsource
Voting for our Mobile App Throwdown finalists has started, and I need your help in determining who wins!
I’ve listed them all below, together with their video submissions. All you'll need to do is watch the finalists' videos and then vote for your favorite finalists. I've included a handy-dandy link at the bottom of each video for you to vote!
We will announce the winner during the IBM Impact keynote on Wednesday, April 30th. Here's the finalists:
Arxan provides advanced software security technology to the market place and delivers superior customer satisfaction.
ClickSoftware delivers a complete end-to-end mobile workforce solution that meets the vital needs of the field service industry.
Exigen Insurance Solutions provides core system software to insurers of every size to help them achieve outcomes that matter - revenue growth, cost efficiency, and market and channel expansion.
PointSource has evolved from a dynamic IT firm specializing business process management to a pioneer in transforming businesses with mobile.
Stay tuned: the winner of the IBM Impact Mobile App Throwdown will be announced on April 30!
Bluemix Day in Bangalore Today! A Video on the next set!
April 25, 2014india,paas,Marketing 2.0,social media,social marketingSocial Business,IBM,IBM,Blogs,Marketing 2.0,Web 2.0,cloud,adoption,bluemix
India is on fire for Bluemix! Please join us!
IBM is #1 for the 5th year in Enterprise Social Software! A COOL Infographic
April 24, 2014idc,social networking,social software,Marketing 2.0,social business,social mediasocial marketing,Social Business,IBM,IBM,social,Blogs,Marketing 2.0,Web 2.0,adoption
YEA! Today, IDC announced that for the fifth consecutive year, IDC ranked IBM the #1 company in worldwide market share for enterprise social software. According to IDC's analysis of 2013 revenue, the worldwide market for enterprise social software applications grew from $968 million in 2012 to $1,242 million in 2013. 1
Today more organizations aspire to become a Social Business. Leading organizations – including 75 percent of the Fortune 100 – are transforming how they connect, collaborate and get work done using IBM enterprise social software.
You guys all know I love basketball so I love our infographic looking at the progression.
THANK YOU to all of our CLIENTS who made this happen!