Every Social Network Is Different !

Dogs are different than cats, and therefore we treat them different.   We walk a dog on a leash and leverage catnip for kittens!

The same is true of social networks. The audience of Twitter is different than that of Google Plus.   They are different and those that win, treat them differently!

While people know this, we still see content cross promoted on brand's social networks.   Your team should be leveraging the differences and be creative to craft the story differently for the different social networks.

One of my favorite brands finds new and unique ways to engage with their fans. They strategically use social to report sentimental stories about how fans’ lives intertwine with the product, thereby growing their social engagement.

What are you doing in your brand?

Tip of the Week: Word Clouds - A great way to see your focus

When I produce a document or content, I will dump the document into a word cloud tool like Wordle.

Review and see what words are really standing out.   Are those the words you want to stand out?   Do you know what you want to emphasize?   Make sure those words and phrases are sprinkled throughout your document!

Have fun developing content that matters!


30 Words on Dec 30th To Articulate Social!

I was playing around with thoughts of Social .. and since it is December 30th .. I decided to try for 30 words.  I'd love for you to add to and delete from the list below!  (Notice that most of the words start with a C...interesting!

Ready, set, go!!!

  1. Relationships
  2. Content
  3. ROI
  4. Visual
  5. Mobile
  6. Analytics
  7. Engagement
  8. Advocacy
  9. Community
  10. Crowdsourcing
  11. Friend/Fan
  12. Reach
  13. Governance
  14. Reach
  15. Authenticity
  16. Connections
  17. Influence
  18. Sentiment
  19. Infographic
  20. Citizen journalism
  21. Internet of things
  22. Scaled intimacy
  23. Leadership
  24. Branding
  25. Voice
  26. Learn through monitoring
  27. Data
  28. Collaborate
  29. Conversation
  30. Fun!

Santa's Little Helper! Internet of Things!

My take on Santa with help from the Internet of Things!



MSL Study Reveals that Millennials partner with Business not Govt for Social Good!

Millennials are those born between 1980 and 2000.  (See my blog at http://socialbusinesssandy.com/2014/12/18/infographic-the-millennial-experience-why-it-is-important/  for a view of their characteristics which are very positive!)

Today I was flying back from California and read a report by MSL featured in Fortune.  It found that Millennials are partnering with business for Social change, not government.

Some facts:

  • 83% of millennials want business to do more to help the future
  • 78% recommend companies base on the good they do
  • 69% of employees want their companies to make it easier for them to get involved

Let's join the Millennials in spirit and action!!!  I know I am!