What I learned from my Mom!

Today is my Mom's birthday.    I don't get to live close anymore, but we do talk daily.    As I was chatting with a friend who recently lost her mom, she reminded me to cherish each moment so I decided to write the Top 7 Things I love about my mom!


  1. Gives without expecting anything in return.    My mom is the most giving person I know.  Of course to her children, but to all.  She extends herself without expecting anything in return.
  2. Leads by example.  Whether she is gardening, or doing Tax Returns,  my mom leads by example.  She never asks anyone to do anything that she isn't willing to do herself.
  3. Chooses Attitude over circumstances.   One of the things my mom taught me is that you sometimes cannot change your circumstances, but your attitude you have control over.   Make sure you keep your attitude in check, and don't let those circumstances control you!
  4. Exudes "Smart."  My mom was valedictorian in High School but could not afford to go to college.  Yet, she still used her incredible intelligence to be so successful in life.   She is not just book smart, but life smart.
  5. Grows in faithfulness.   My mom is faithful in her faith and God.  She has a gentle and trusting spirit.
  6. Shares Encouragement.   I cannot remember a time when my mom didn't encourage her friends, family, and even pets.   She is a natural encourager -- go Mom Go!
  7. Exemplifies Love.   My mom loves unconditionally.   Her love is soft and gentle yet strong.

I know that Mother's day is upcoming as well and I cannot be more thankful for the beautiful woman who is my mom.

She has taught me how to be a good mom and leader!

Celebrate your mom today!