The IBM Pulse App Throwdown: who is your favorite cloud app?

Today is the last day to vote in the IBM Pulse App Throwdown!

So, who are these finalists? I've listed them all below, together with their video submissions. We will announce the winner during the IBM Pulse keynote tomorrow, Wednesday February 26. Click on the link to vote for your favorite now!


Track Active Directory, Exchange and more in real-time and send activity alerts to IBM QRadar in real-time.


Vote for STEALTHbits now!

Redis Labs

The Redis next-generation of ultra-fast in-memory databases pairs up with IBM SoftLayer to offer incomparable performance.


Vote for Redis Labs now!


Offering secure cloud-based email on IBM SoftLayer to some of the most regulated industries.


Vote for Silversky now!


Advanced search technology and the IBM cloud will help unite you with your favorite meal.

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Vote for MyMenu now!


The new CloudOne Cloud Locker enables the management of licenses in the cloud.


Vote for CloudOne now!

Innovate like a startup: What Goliath can learn from David! Pulse it UP!


Building an employment recognition system at Honda with IBM Partner Kango Gift!


Not Seven of Nine - Eight of Nine! IBM Clear Leader in Social Business according to Experton

Back in 2011,  I told you about my trip to Germany and what I learned about German companies adopting social business principles at great rate, companies like Bayer and Sennheiser.  Even GAD as on stage to tell their Social Business Success at IBM Connect!

And just today, other amazing news has arrived from Germany! It’s about IBM and about our service and product offering being assessed by an external research, advisory and consulting company alongside over 90 other vendors.

Experton, the European Analyst firm, did this extensive vendor benchmark on Social Business for the German market. They are – at least to my knowledge – the first ones collecting data from Social Business Services up to different software components playing into the Social Business space. Just published early 2014 their study shows 9 different quadrants.

SB medium_ExpertonSocialBusinessLeader

And the results remind me of Star Trek Voyager  -- 7 of 9. Why? IBM is in the leader quadrant in 8 of 9 quadrants. The only quadrant not listing IBM as leader is the one for Social CRM. And that’s just because IBM doesn't have an offer in this space...

This is an outstanding and impressive achievement and shows the companies commitment in the Social Business space. You can find more information on the results here including some impressive numbers for the social business market in general.

According to Experton, the market for social business for communication & collaboration (SB4CC) even outpaces cloud computing as IT and business driver with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 50% by 2016!

You want to get a summary of the study? Send a note to He will make sure, that you get the PDF as soon as it’s available.

Design Matters to Social, Mobile and Start-Ups!


Create an App for Cloud and Mobile at PULSE!

With the world's mobile worker population expected to reach 1.3 BILLION by 2015, we need some expert app developers to keep up!

With this in mind, I want to share with you some interesting facts and statistics you should know as you consider the value of attending an event like Pulse for your cloud business.


Our App Throwdown event at Pulse is not just a competition. It's core intention is to get you in the game! The tiles above are not just describing what's going to happen in the industry, it's potentially describing your cloud business.

The App Throwdown will take place on Monday, February 24th. The winner will be on main stage on Wednesday, February 26th, in front of over 8,000 re-sellers, clients, and IBM sellers – giving you the opportunity to reach a new and broad audience!

This is your chance to show off your cloud solution and shine! Register now

and get in the game!

Think Cloud is just an IT obsession? Think again!


Join me at IBM's Cloud Conference in Vegas! 14 Predictions!

The IBM Pulse 2014 conference is just around the corner! As the premier cloud conference, Pulse is an exciting event where you can explore the latest developments in cloud, security and asset management. This year's Pulse will be on February 23-26 in Las Vegas.

I invite you to attend my breakout session where I'll be talking about my 14 predictions for social business trends in 2014. I love looking forward as we journey into a new year of social business. To that end, I'll discuss key topics around themes, such as social tools, social talent and social conText.

To get a taste for my breakout session, watch this video I blogged about at the close of last year:


To add my breakout sessin to your Pulse conference agenda, go to this page <link to> and click the arrow button.

Hope to see you in Las Vegas, and I'm really looking forward to sharing my predictions with you and hearing some of your own!

What happens in Vegas, stays in the CLOUD! See at IBM Pulse!


Happy Valentines! Digital tip of the week –– Organize your Twitter stream by creating lists

When you follow a high number of profiles on Twitter, it is sometimes difficult to get to know the important and useful tweets in between the “noise” of your timeline. Twitter Lists come in handy to keep up with the best tweets from the people you follow and cut the noise in your stream. You can have different categories of lists eg “customers”, “partners” etc to help you sort the content and you can make your lists public or private. Plus, lists are a form of appreciation on Twitter, a gesture of gratitude. And you might get listed back too.

Learn how to create Twitter lists here.