ABCs of Exceptional Digital Experience!

One of my top questions that I am getting from my clients is what does an exceptional digital experience look like?

An exceptional digital experience delivers a compelling, relevant, empowering, and consistent experience across multiple touch points breaking through the silos of multi-channel interactions and drawing customer insights to ensure a company is exceeding customer expectations and aligned with rapidly changing interaction preferences of customers.

Here are the 3 ABCs that I begin my client discussions with!

Autonomy:   This attribute is both a digital and attitude focus.   Autonomy changes how employees view customers–and how customers view employees. For instance, at the Ritz Carlton for many years have given their staff  $2,000 of discretion (yes, this is per employee per guest) to be used to solve any customer challenge in the manner the employee feels is appropriate.  Digitally this means that you need to enable Autonomy.   Top performing companies spend more on empowering their workforces with mobile devices than the rest.  And since 81% of purchasers get advice from their social network, there is a requirement to participate in social networks and support audience communities.

Bold Personalization:  83% of customers say they are more likely to do business with brands that allow them to personalize and control where, when and how they interact through their preferred channel combinations. And customers are willing to spend up to 20 minutes configuring a personal profile in exchange for better experience. Personalization techniques focus on understanding the customer, context, location, and device to customize content, offers, products, and even site layout

Compelling and Consistent.  Part of being compelling today is the ability to understand customers and employees as individuals. 84% of businesses today are using web analytics.  Bringing together the right set of capabilities to reach and understand the digital user is now the new norm.  In addition, there is a requirement to deliver an immersive experience of interactive information to drive compelling offers.

Consistency must exist across the multiple channels that clients use.  When we interact through all of these different channels, we expect that the business is thinking about experience – not just in a single channel at a point in time but holistically as we interact across the channels to complete whatever it is we are trying to do. We EXPECT that a site will be relevant if we get to the site from a banner ad or search term. We EXPECT that the profile we set up online is the same profile for the mobile application. And, we get a little annoyed when we have to repeat all of our information to the customer service representative after already entering it all through the phone keypad.

These ABCs require a great combination of strategy, culture, and technology.

The Gap in skills for mobile, social, analytics continues! VBlog!

Skills have been quite the topic lately.  Why?  We have such skills gaps that any great company must really address the challenge, with the industry.

Here's the results of the study that show the gaps!   Read last week's blogs for IBM's focus with the academic universities in security and analytics!


Trifecta of IBM announcements: Cyber Security Skills Infographic

Bridging the Cyber Security Skills Gap

We all know about the war for talent and one big gap is in security.   Today we(IBM) are announcing that we are adding 11 academic collaborations to its more than 200 partnerships with universities across the globe, focusing on cyber security.

I was looking at some stats from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and this field of cyber security is expected to grow  by 22%.  Especially with the Cloud , and data in mobile environment, this experience will become one of the most crucial!.   A UK government report said that it may take 20 years to address the current cyber security skills gaps.

The IBM Academic Initiative (yes, part of my new role!) 
As part of IBM's Academic Initiative, we are launching new curriculum and programs focusing on cyber security with Ballarat University in Australia, Fordham University, Georgia Institute of Technology, San Jose State University, Technische Universität Darmstadt in Germany, Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore, Universidad Cenfotec in Costa Rica, Universiti Kebangsaan in Malaysia, The University of South Carolina, University of Texas at Dallas, and Wroclaw University of Economics in Poland.

IBM's Cyber Security Innovation Program:

With all the gaps in skills, we have worked to design and facilitate collaboration with educators around the globe to teach students cyber security skills needed to be competitive in a rapidly changing work environment.  As part of the Cyber Security Innovation Program, we will provide:

  • Technology & Tools: Including access to IBM software portfolio through the IBM Academic Initiative and donated network scanners for use in research labs to monitor intrusions.
  • Course Materials: Including a Skills Taxonomy with links to appropriate online pages on Academic Initiative, examples of university programs, security and IT services curriculum, publications and trend reports, as well as case studies and real world challenges
  • Faculty Awards: Given to faculty with winning proposals about how to incorporate IBM technology into its curriculum and share what they build with other universities worldwide

Bridging the Cyber Security Skills Gap

IBM Announcement: The new Watson Ecosystem!

Today represents a milestone in the IBM Watson journey: the IBM Watson Ecosystem!

As you may recall, the Watson Technology is at the forefront of the next generation of cognitive computers: systems that can mine vast amounts of structured and unstructured data and share insights using natural language. Now, through the IBM Watson Ecosystem, you will have the opportunity to leverage this technology in the Cloud to build your own disruptive applications. We are initially focusing on the healthcare, travel and retail industries (in English language) but will be expanding this over time.


So, how exactly can you partner with us to develop ground-breaking solutions?

We offer three options:

1) Application partners can leverage the Watson Developer Cloud to build solutions using the IBM Watson technology
2) Content partners can deliver knowledge and expertise through the Watson Content Store
3) Partners with strong skills in the areas the Watson Ecosystem covers can offer these through the Watson Talent Hub.

Organizations that are interested in collaborating with IBM to develop Watson-powered applications can learn more here.

Winning the war for Skills: IBM Announcement Analytics Talent Assessment

Last week, IBM co-hosted the Big Data & Analytics EdCon event (with Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) and University of Ottawa Telfer School of Mgmt), bringing together leading academic thinkers who are pioneering curriculum in the Analytics space. All are wrestling with how to strike the right balance among interdisciplinary topics to achieve the right blend of market-ready skills in their students.

Data is exploding!

We all experience the explosion of data from my fav social to sensors in factories.  Due to this explosion,all companies need more data scientists, analytics professionals and Big Data trained decision makers who can not only crunch data, but turn it into effective strategy.

Creation of a skill gap. 

There is a widely-discussed skills gap between the growing number of jobs being created to support Big Data & Analytics and the available talent pool to fill these jobs.This "skills gap" is a significant concern across industries. Our research uncovered a dramatic gap in analytics skills, with only 1 in 10 organizations believing it has the skills it needs to be successful.

Collaborate to win!

To narrow this gap, IBM is collaborating with more than 1,000 academic partners to develop curriculum that reflects the mix of technical and problem-solving skills that is necessary to prepare students for Big Data and analytics careers, across all industries.IBM has a unique, hands-on model for collaborating with universities to build degrees and coursework from the ground up via the Academic Initiative ( this is part of my new role as the IBM General Manager of Ecosystem Development! )

  • We provide schools with access to IBM Big Data and analytics software
  • We help faculty develop curriculum materials
  • We build case study projects for students based on real-world business challenges
  • We offer IBM experts who visit classes as guest lecturers
  • We make available faculty awards, whose funding fuels new coursework on Big Data and analytics
  • Faculty members become part of a global community of educators working together to educate the next generation

Announcing the Analytics Talent Assessment!

The Analytics Talent Assessment offers insight from IBM clients (see the press release below showcasing both Boeing and Nationwide) on what analytics skills drive positive business outcomes.
Using the IBM Analytics Talent Assessment, university students can now gauge their readiness for public and private sector Big Data and analytics careers and gain guidance on ways to develop and position themselves for these in-demand jobs through a simple online questionnaire.

The eight universities piloting the assessment (Fordham University, George Washington University, Illinois Institute of Technology, University of Massachusetts Boston, Northwestern University, The Ohio State University, Southern Methodist University and the University of Virginia) are pioneers teaching Big Data & Analytics skills"

-- Fordham's dual track degrees, which are designed to train marketing analytics professionals
-- GWU's career-track courses support fields such as sports and marketing
-- IIT integrates Big Data and Analytics courses in their Stuart School of Business
-- UMass Boston offers an undergraduate and a graduate concentration in Business Intelligence
-- Northwestern University offers an MS in Analytics as well as an online MS in Predictive Analytics
-- The Ohio State University is partnering with IBM Academic Initiative to develop undergraduate and graduate big data and analytic programs
-- SMART projects with schools like SMU bring bring together a commercial entity with a real world problem that students can then apply analytic skills to solve
-- University of Virginia McIntire School of Commerce offers an undergraduate Business Analytics track and they continue to broaden their Big Data and Analytic programs.

This focus is essential for winning the war for talent.   With the access of the technology and expertise for the assessment,   this initiative provides the insight into today's state-of-the-art curricula, and provides the client insight, technology, and proven outcomes these skills can drive.



Your mother told you "Social Skills" mattered! She was right!

Your mother told you "social Skills" mattered!  She was right! A Harvard Business Review survey showed that only 12 percent of companies using social media think they do so effectively.   It will very important that companies train their employees on social usage, and hire the right set of people to drive social.  For instance, not just community managers, but social analytics specialists, social innovation officiers, and more.   Make sure you don't forget to focus on these skills!

And these skills need to extend into the board room.  Meet the new C Suite!   Full of T shapped Skills! Social and social tools means that CMOs need to know more about Technology, and that CIOs need to understand more about how to engage clients, and marketing.    With CEOs, according to IBM's CEO Study, understanding that social will be the #1 way to engage clients by 2015, it is imperative that both roles learn more about the broader equation.

Social inside a company's 4 walls continues to outpace external. Why?  Employee engagement drives client engagement.  According to IBM's latest trend study, 43% of clients are now using social inside of their 4 walls.  41% use it more externally.  This trend will continue as the economics drive the need for stronger employee engagement.  Social drives higher engagement when employees can leverage social to innovate inside the company.  But first they need the skills.

Have you developed a skills plan? 


Social and your personality test!

You have to watch this one!  This behavior way of blending recommendations will have a major impact on the market!


A FRIDAY question - What is an inspirational leader?

A few people have me about inspirational leadership.

This is my video blog trying to express what it means to me. I'd love to hear your thoughts too!
