Grush brushes aside the competition to win SmartCamp Silicon Valley

On August 19th, we held our SmartCamp Silicon Valley event, and Grush stole the show! Congratulations to Grush for winning the Judges and People's choice awards!!

As a parent, I can really appreciate how Grush is making a game-chaning solution in kids brushing their teeth. That's right, I said kids brushing their teeth!

Grush transforms the chore of brushing into a fun and interactive game. They've developed an advanced Bluetooth motion-sensing toothbrush, coupled with interactive and instructive mobile games, to guide kids' brushing and let parents track the results.


Talk about the Internet of Things! The motion data is sent to Grush Apps in real-time. Grush Apps are interactive games and apps that receive motion data from Grush Brush and integrate it with a simulated image of teeth or a game theme.

It even has cloud technology! The Grush Cloud stores detailed brushing data of each user for tracking/monitoring. Detailed brushing statistical data can be provided to dentists to customize a treatment plan which could ultimately save in dental costs.

Anything that helps parents motivate their kids to brush their teeth is a winner in my book! Not only are these games fun for kids, they are also Dentist approved!

Nice job, Grush!

Shhhh! The Top 3 Pacesetter Secrets Revealed!

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IBM Center for Applied Insights "Raising the game: The IBM Business Tech Trends Study"

Learn more about being a Pacesetter


CAN-DO Honolulu

Biz Tech Trends App Jam

IBM Watson Analytics

Bluemix Free Trial

SoftLayer Free Trial

VacantBoards uses Big Data and Analytics for the SmartCamp Lagos win!

Imagine a company that uses big data and analytic software to capture data on the flow of traffic to determine the value of advertising on billboards. A solution like that could help small businesses, as well as enterprise-level businesses, maximize their advertising dollars when selecting the right billboard.

You don't have to imagine that company, because we found them at a SmartCamp event! VacantBoards was announced the winner of SmartCamp Lagos!

VacantBoards developed the very solution I described above. Driven by big data and analytics, their solution is a game changer in the African advertising industry. And, even better, their solution is provided at the touch of your fingers through a mobile app! How powerful is that?!

Congratulations to VacantBoards and to the Lagos ecosystem for putting on another great SmartCamp!


2014: Year of the Entrepreneur

Have you noticed the new energy around Entrepreneurship?

For instance, Shark Tank is one of the most popular family shows.  Families are teaching their kids about the potential and the feasibility of changing the world.

We now have Restaurant Start-up and even Walmart is running a "entrepreneur" event to gather new products for its US stores.

And more women are also joining the trend .... did you know that  nearly 20% of angels  invested in women-led businesses — the percentage grew more than 40% from the previous year, according to the Center of Venture Research.

Why is this the case?

1.   There is more access to capital and it costs less to start a business.   With new technologies like cloud, the cost to begin a start up is less, and areas like social enable businesses to market like the large companies for less.

2.  There is more "hope" now in the economy that in the past few years.   Yes, CNBC says we are in the period of overjoy, there are signs that our economy is improving -- it's a good time to start a business.

3.  Corporate America isn't fulfilling the "need to show value" and to "change the world." To attract and retain the best employees, companies should be more proactive and willing to invest in their workers' future.   Many believe they have to create their own company to get that culture.

4.  Mentoring abounds.   I see IBM offering business and technology mentoring.  Virgin is focused on mentoring in the UK and the list goes on.   Mentoring provides confidence to get started!

5.  Support is pervasive.  Unlike in the past, support for start-ups exists in networking groups, meetups, and beyond.  For example, for women entrepreneurs, some groups are National Association of Women Business Owners, Women's Toolbox, PBWC, WITI, and Women 2.0.

I love this time of Entrepreneur Energy and know 2014 will truly be the Year of the Entrepreneur!

Our NYC SmartCamp winner is announced: Yosko!

IBM SmartCamp season has begun, and we've already had some great SmartCamp events in Austin, Chicago, and Prague!

Earlier this week, we held a SmartCamp event in New York with a focus on Watson-related solutions. The winner was Yosko!


With their mobile-based solutions, Yosko provides access to the electronic medical records, facilitates exchanges between physicians, and improves care team communication. Sounds like a great Watson for Healthcare solution!

As I said, SmartCamps are just getting started! Want to participate? Want to attend one? Check out our schedule of upcoming SmartCamps!

Social Busines Mythbusters! Happy Monday!

I love the Mythbuster Show -- it is a great one to watch with your family and to challenge your thinking!

I hope you love this Social Business Coffee Break as much I did making it for you!

Austin SmartCamp - Start Up Winners Announced - BeehiveID & eyeQ

Two winners for SmartCamp Austin 2014 were selected yesterday: a nearly unanimous popular vote from the public audience for BeehiveID and a clear Mentors choice for eyeQ Insights.

Event Highlights:

  • Ground breaking new relationship through partnering with TechRanch.
  • Standing room only with 120+ attendees
  • Two winners selected: a nearly unanimous popular vote from the public audience for BeehiveID and a clear Mentors choice for eyeQ Insights.

The EcoD Designcamp Team joined for the grand finale !!!

