I am in Chicago at the Blogher conference, speaking and meeting with customers and partners!
They shared their latest social media study. Some interesting facts!
* 43M women read/write blogs (from from 35M last year)
* Time shift to social media continues. Women using social media use between 20-40% less TV, papers, etc.
* 75% of women online and using social media use blogging as a tool.
* Bloggers are the most prolific social media users.
* Bloggers perceive themselves as tech savvy, tippers, influencers, and experts. They crave that cross influence.
* Bloggers consider online relationships equal to those offline! Wow!
* Bloggers are twice as likely to turn to their social media source for information.
* 78% are considering their purchases more carefully.
* 25% buy more from companies they “know”
The bottom line is that blogging is growing in importance in influence, size, and fun!
Very interesting information, thanks for sharing.
Blogging is definitely growing. It’s a great way to get immediate info.
Give my best to all the Bloghers! 🙂