I was on a #getrealchat last night (they happen every Tuesday night at 9PM!), and loved some of the comments about what is coming in 2014!!
Here’s my Top 11 Favorites!
1. Social raises the stakes. A crap customer experience is consumed as quickly as your ads are.
2. Social can amplify your service – at the same time as building advocates for your business. companies will teach employees to be social ambassadors. <-Yes a must happen!
3. 73% of CEOs say SOCIAL will be their #1 form of engagement experience in 2014..
4. Social gives power to the People! Makes the client more relevant!!
5. The battle is over, Mobile has won. Too many times I can get it faster via mobile in store than I can from a sales rep in store.
6. We’ll see predictive social customer support in 2014 — and it is called Waton!!!!
7. Social footprints will be used everywhere for recruiting, client support and more. 45% of our 2013 hires came social, old school hiring is dying fast Get ready!
8. Consumers can’t browse every blog or newspaper available to decide what to read. Influencers will help guide their attention.
9. Before you get to big data, you need to manage your little data. We produce as much info in two days as all of the information ever produced up until 2003.
10. Great employee engagement leads to great client engagement. You cannot continue to be a great org externally if you don’t become a great org internally
11. Know your customer more than you know your klout score. 😉 Focus where it matters.
[…] Out of Touch = Out of Luck in 2014. Favorite 11 Tweets #GetRealChat (Sandy Carter, IBM) […]