Thanks for the overwhelming notes and comments on the Coffee Breaks ! I am so happy they are adding value and helping you in your company.
Please send me other topics that you’d like to see!
This week’s Social Business Coffee Break is about Social Enablement for Sales. It is an IBM example of our use social enablement!
Thank you for this invaluable topic on social enabling. These ideas could also apply to a community of creatives. Imagine motivating with Social Creative Badges, videos by creative experts on their creative thinking topic, as well as using social tools to train clients and partners on how to develop their creative competence.
A topic for a future coffee break could be about community managers and their role. I am reading your book, Get Bold, and I suspect that to many of us this is a new opportunity we could seize to develop our social trust and social currency.
May everyone have a Marvelous Monday 🙂
Creative Connie
Great suggestions ! Thanks.