Social, Local and Mobile go together. SoLoMo — it’s the buzzword du jour meaning “Social, Local and Mobile” These days, everybody is talking about social features, local business (i.e. coupons) and mobile applications.
And at IBM, we help our clients understand how the “SoLoMo” sector can be applied to business.
In the video, I call out what IBM calls Social Business. A Social Business does more than use Twitter and put up a Facebook Fan page. A Social Business means that every department, from HR to marketing to product development to customer service to sales, uses social media the way it uses any other tool and channel to do its job.
A social business is an organization that uses social networking tools and mobile devices fluently to communicate with people inside and outside the company. It’s a strategic approach to shaping a business culture. Becoming a Social Business can help an organization deepen customer relationships, generate new ideas faster, identify expertise and enable a more effective workforce.
Social networking has had a profound effect on society, couple this with the explosion of mobile devices and new Cloud delivery models, a perfect storm of industry trends is merging that makes this the right time to move social from the hands of teens to business.
Be a part of the SoLoMo discussion and join us on Twitter using hashtag #IBMsocialbiz
- 68% of social networking users do so on a mobile device
- More than a quarter of all US adults (28%) use mobile or social location-based services of some kind (source: Pew Research Center)
The future is now. Sandy, I am learning a new language from you. I really like this acronym, (SoLoMo) for “Social, Local and Mobile.” An estimated 3 year ROI of 195% by the IBM CIO Office study is very impressive.