Building an employment recognition system at Honda with IBM Partner Kango Gift!


Social Business Myth Busters!

Happy today in Orlando at IBM's Connect 2014, one of the largest social conferences in the industry!

Today is a fun Myth Buster day!  Enjoy!


Watson Hot News !!! $1B, $100B, 51

Today IBM unveiled its plans to embark on a bold new direction with Watson by launching the IBM Watson Group, a new business unit dedicated solely to the development and commercialization of cloud delivered cognitive innovations. This is a strategic shift by IBM to accelerate into the marketplace a new class of software, services and apps that think, improve by learning, and discover answers and insights to complex questions from massive amounts of disparate data.

I am here in the room in downtown NYC at this announcement Event!

Through the IBM Watson Group, IBM will continue to provide our academic partners with the types of tools and resources needed to help students build the T-shaped skills (discipline depth and cross-industry breadth) needed to succeed in the era of cognitive systems. This includes new workshops and seminars at its headquarters on topics such as development skills and techniques, as well as networking opportunities for students, academics and professionals.

Following are key details about today's announcement:

  • IBM will invest more than $1 billion into the Watson Group, focusing on development and research and bringing cloud-delivered cognitive applications and services to market.
  • This will include commitments of $100 million in venture investments to support IBM's recently launched ecosystem of start-ups and businesses that are building a new class of cognitive apps powered by Watson, in the IBM Watson Developers Cloud.
  • The IBM Watson Group will have a new headquarters at 51 Astor Place in New York City's "Silicon Alley" technology hub, leveraging the talents of approximately 2,000 professionals, whose goal is to design, develop and accelerate the adoption of Watson cognitive technologies.

There are several other ways in the near future that you can learn more about the new IBM Watson Group and the way that cognitive systems will transform how we live, learn and conduct business:

  • Register for a virtual conversation on Jan. 17 with Katharine Frase, IBM vice president and chief technology officer, global public sector and Chalapathy Neti, IBM director of education transformation research about the role of cognitive computing in education.
  • Attend IBM Global Entrepreneur Week virtually or in person, Feb. 3-7, for online and in person venture and startup focused events including a presentation from Fluid, a startup using Watson technology to transform the retail industry.

As always, please reach out to us with any questions, ideas or opinions about the IBM Watson Group. We invite you, your students, colleagues and network to join us in the ongoing conversations about IBM Watson via social media using #IBMWatson. You can also watch this video series that brings the IBM Watson story to life.

IBM's 5 in 5-- five predictions about technology innovations

I am so excited about this year's 5 in 5 -- five predictions about technology innovations that will change the way we work, live and interact over the next five years. This year's 5 in 5 explores the idea that everything will learn – driven by a new era of cognitive systems that learn, reason and engage with us in a more natural and personalized way. These innovations are being made possible through advances in cloud, Big Data, analytics and learning technologies.

Tell me what you think!!!

1. The classroom will learn about you. The classroom of the future will learn about students over the course of their education, helping each student master the skills critical to meeting their goals. A system fueled by sophisticated analytics over the cloud will help teachers predict which students are most at risk, their roadblocks, and measures they can take to overcome challenges.

2.  Buying local will beat online. Savvy retailers will use the immediacy of the physical store and proximity to customers to create experiences that cannot be replicated by virtual retailers. They will magnify the digital experience by bringing the web right to where the shopper can physically touch it or the instant gratification of same-day delivery.

3. Doctors will routinely use your DNA to keep you well. Computers will help doctors understand how a tumor affects a patient down to their DNA and present a collective set of medications shown to best attack the cancer, reducing the time it takes to find the right treatment from weeks and months to days and minutes.

4. A digital guardian will protect you online. Security will become more agile and contextual based on a 360 degree view of an individual's data, devices and applications. Your digital guardian will make inferences about what's normal or reasonable activity and what's not, and be able to spot deviations that could be precursors to an attack and a stolen identity.

5.  The city will help you live in it. Smarter cities will understand how billions of events occur as computers learn in real time to understand what people need and like, what they do, and how they move from place to place. Mobile devices and social engagement will enable citizens to strike up a relationship with city leaders so their voices will be heard not only on election day, but every day.

Friday Social Tip: Spend Time on Your Influencers - The 4-1-1

Spend time on your influencers!

I think this is one of the best social media tips I ever discovered.

First, a definition of an nfluencer.  An influencer is someone who influences the rest of the clients and potential clients online and offline, usually about 15% to 20% of your followers or fans!

I discovered this concept in a book by Andrew Davis, author of Brandscaping,  The 4-1-1 (for your informtion!) is a way to show value and care to your social influencers.

This concept says that if you communicate 6 things socially, 4 of those 6, or 67% should be showcasing content from your influencers.   The other items you should be showcasing are your Point of View or Subject Matter Expertise .  The other could be something that is more sales oriented.

Complements of Joe Pulizzi here is a great visual of what this concept is!


Social Selling! Best Practice of Engagement!

Have a great cup of coffee and enjoy this week's Social Business Coffee Break!

Today we are continuing our series on Social Selling.  Thank you so much for the great response to date!


Join me to discuss Socialytics = Social + Big Data + Analytics

Since so many of you commented on the Socialytics article we have decided to do a seminar on it!   I'd love for you to join me:

Thursday August 22nd, 1:30 – 2:00PM EST, join me in a free webinar hosted by SayItSocial – an industry leader in digital business strategy and training where I will delve deeper into the concept of Socialytics and its importance in today’s social economy.

Click HERE to sign up!

Visit SayItSocial for more information.

I will be discussing the following: 

- Why trust and influence are paramount
- Velocity created by combining predictive capabilities and ideation
- How Social is the new production line
- The importance of social leadership for transformation
- Using social data to create personal marketing experiences



I am looking forward to seeing everyone there!
