SmartCamp Entrepreneur Winners in France, Italy, and Africa!

We have more exciting news coming from SmartCamps in Africa and Europe!

Last week, we had SmartCamps in Milan, Lille and Nairobi. And at each location, the local entrepreneurial ecosystem was engaged and participated!

Congratulations to Social Bullgard (Italy), Seclud-IT (France) and Digital Vision East Africa (Nairobi)!

Social Bullgard gathers and structures social media content to help companies react quickly to requests and opportunities, as well as avoid and manage crisis efficiently.


Seclud-IT's solution, Elastic Security, brings to cloud infrastructure providers the ability to provide on-demand computing resources to their customers, without compromising with security.

Pic SecludIT

Digital Vision East Africa's solution, Chamasoft, is a simple to use web and mobile application that automates all activities in an investment group. Their solution also promotes transparency and accountability within investment groups.


What an impressive list of startups! And all that just from last week! There are more to come, as our SmartCamps are happening around the world. Find out more about a SmartCamp near you!

A Tribute to 25 years of Women in Technology: Carolyn Leighton

WITI this year is celebrating 25 years of helping women in technology progress, grow, and network.

Here's a snippet of the past and the future!

Our NYC SmartCamp winner is announced: Yosko!

IBM SmartCamp season has begun, and we've already had some great SmartCamp events in Austin, Chicago, and Prague!

Earlier this week, we held a SmartCamp event in New York with a focus on Watson-related solutions. The winner was Yosko!


With their mobile-based solutions, Yosko provides access to the electronic medical records, facilitates exchanges between physicians, and improves care team communication. Sounds like a great Watson for Healthcare solution!

As I said, SmartCamps are just getting started! Want to participate? Want to attend one? Check out our schedule of upcoming SmartCamps!

Social Busines Mythbusters! Happy Monday!

I love the Mythbuster Show -- it is a great one to watch with your family and to challenge your thinking!

I hope you love this Social Business Coffee Break as much I did making it for you!

For Developers - The Wimbledon Experience!

We are calling all Developers to get under the covers at Wimbledon 2014 and help take the experience to the next level.  


The Wimbledon website, with 19.7 million unique users last year, is being enhanced with more mobile functions where users are able to create a personalized feeds with news from their choice of players, countries and categories of match, from data updated up to 140,000 times a day.

A new addition this year is "Hill vs World" which will be polling the results questions asked of fans sitting on Henman Hill via the giant screen, and pitting them against those of the television and internet audience responding via social media.

An IBM Softlayer based analytics console known as Wimbledon Social Command Centre will allow the social media team to view engagement from users in real time and tailor content according to reaction. This could take the form of everything from a conversation about strawberries in the rain to which photo of Andy Murray is causing the most stir!!!

48 tennis analysts are stationed around the site to manually capture data from the courts and feed it into the IBM cloud, which then crunches it into the statistics and graphics for the TV coverage and the second screen Slamtracker service

IBM has uploaded years of analytics gathered from previous championships to its private cloud. The cloud server is scalable and will be ramped up during the fortnight to cope with demand. IBM's Watson will be flexing its elastic data muscles to ensure that data supply and demand are always met, constantly analyzing information to ensure that pertinent data is at the front of the cloud's 'mind'

Now it is your turn!

And the innovation doesn't stop there! – What would you do to make the Wimbledon experience even better?

Now it’s your chance to create a prototype app which uses, creates, consumes, or analyses data in and around The Championships to enhance the fans’ experience on-site. Your code will create, consume, or analyze data in and around The Championships (either previously generated or real-time) to enhance the fans’ experience on-site.

You can also contribute your own data if you like. Don’t have any? That’s okay. There's some on the website to download

We will have prizes for the Best mobile app and Best Data Insights.

To take part, upload your app to BlueMix and send us a 2-4 minute video demonstrating your solution's use of IBM technology and include a 500 word max abstract.

We are starting this to run from October 24 - November 6.

The best apps will be invited to pitch in front of a live audience at IBM BusinessConnect from which we will pick our category winners, and the overall winner

  • Prizes - Two show court tickets for The Wimbledon Championship 2015 and the opportunity to work with IBM Interactive Experience team in the UK, to explore how your solution might be incorporated into the official Wimbledon mobile app for the 2015 Championships.

Social vs Risk-averse Enterprises: Is it possible to be both

I had a webcast today with Kailash Ambwani, CEO of Actiance, to talk about how to become a social enterprise. You don't want to miss this! If you are considering how to become a social business, and you are concerned about exposure, then this webcast is for you!

You may wonder is it possible to be a social enterprise and risk-averse? That’s the fundamental question Kailash and I will address today. I know that if you’ll listen in, you'll see how we get to a resounding “Yes!” to that question.

I’ll also give my insights on the value of being a social enterprise, the range of benefits that are available to all organizations, and show you examples of where you can see success.

Kailash will speak to key corporate responsibilities and how organizations can keep confidential information confidential. He’ll also give us some core examples of organizations highlighting strong leadership and integration of social into business processes.

We'll also answer the often asked question: “how do we get started?” Don’t miss out on this chance to get the inside scoop on how to become a social enterprise!

To attend the webcast, simply register at

Date and Time: June 19 at 1pm PT / 4pm EST. Replay will be available!


90% Of Companies don't have an Innovation Culture

I was just out in Silicon Valley on a panel on intrapreneurship. As prep, I read that over the last 50 years the average lifespan of a company on the S&P 500 has dropped from 61 years to 18 years (and is forecast to grow even shorter in the future).

Most of the articles said the failures were due to companies not keeping their innovative cultures.  In fact, Brandon Kelly, stated that 90% of organizations have no sustained commitment to innovation.

A great counter example to this is Telsa who today is opening its patents up to the industry to accelerate electric vehicle development. Innovation accelerates forward.

What is Innovation?   The classic definitions of innovation include:

So how can we embed innovation into a company's culture?

Innovation is strongly correlated with value creation and is a key factor in financial outperformance. However, only 25% of organizations are good at generating and converting innovations.  These companies align innovation goals with business strategy.

Their efforts support the appropriate mix of product, operational and business model innovation that enables them to effectively grow and compete. And, their innovation activities are managed in a transparent program.

Organizations that strategize and manage innovation in a collaborative, open and continuous manner create a source of competitive advantage and economic benefit. Collaboration includes seamlessly engaging all employees in the innovation process and securely including external business partners and customers.

The top ten most innovative companies had two-year compound annual growth rates of 60 percent more than the overall Standard and Poors Global 1200.  For these companies, innovation is much more than a “big idea.”

Innovation is an ongoing process of creating value from something new, such as new ideas, new technologies, new products or new processes. For example, 75 percent of successful companies rely on social networks to vet new ideas for success.

They use them for:

  • Openly communicating strategy
  • Openly generating and prioritizing non-traditional ideas for new products and services 
  • Innovating operations by teaming with external specialists & business partner
  • Innovating business models by combining emerging technologies with biz imperatives to redefine value

Future innovation will be conducted in more open environments and CEOs interviewed for the IBM Global CEO study supported this point.  The Innovation Social Business Pattern is designed to increase innovation by providing a wider reach of ideas and to help organizations increase the success and speed of bringing innovation to market.

Primary business processes

The primary business processes for this pattern include research and development, product and service management, business strategy and operations transformation.

Key stakeholders

The key stakeholders are research and development, product development, line of business executives, CMOs, CIOs and CTOs.

Recommended actions

Some specific actions are:

  • Deploy collaboration tools for more open communication and to guide innovation toward delivering the type of value desired, such as product versus business model
  • Engage the crowd both internal and external to vet new ideas.


  • Deploy a portal that combines content, social and advanced mobile features to provide an exceptional digital experience for customers, partners, and employees while managing access by role.
  • Deploy social gamification and social influence reward techniques

How does your company drive Innovation?