Austin SmartCamp - Start Up Winners Announced - BeehiveID & eyeQ

Two winners for SmartCamp Austin 2014 were selected yesterday: a nearly unanimous popular vote from the public audience for BeehiveID and a clear Mentors choice for eyeQ Insights.

Event Highlights:

  • Ground breaking new relationship through partnering with TechRanch.
  • Standing room only with 120+ attendees
  • Two winners selected: a nearly unanimous popular vote from the public audience for BeehiveID and a clear Mentors choice for eyeQ Insights.

The EcoD Designcamp Team joined for the grand finale !!!



OUT with the old hierarchy, IN with social! Qumu and Safeway!

For our Coffee Break this week we will explore the vast impact social is having on the structure of companies and how you can prepare your organization for collaboration.

Look to see how Qumu is revolutionizing internal communication.  I am here in California and Safeway's are everywhere!

Take a peek at what they are doing!


As always, let me know your feedback!

Come to WITI! Our 25th Anniversary!

So, why am I so excited to be attending the WITI conference in a matter of days?

Check out this video to find out!


Hopefully see you at WITI in Santa Clara, CA!

What I know about you! How digital marketing drives personalization

We are seeing a huge change in digital marketing driven by CAMS (cloud, analytics, mobile, social)! In this coffee break I talk to experts from @Gigya, @OgilvyOne and the irrepressible @JayBaer about the latest trends.


Tesla Dishes on Social!

At the last TieCon event in San Fran, some got to go on a Tesla tour!  What a great set of learnings but of course, loving social, I took away the following on Tesla, featured in an article in Fast Company, Musk lists 4 lessons we can all benefit from:

1. Own your executive brand – If you don’t somebody else will

2. Humanize your brand

3. Don’t show up and then fall silent

4. Use Twitter as a leadership tool

TiEcon: 4K startups, Watson, BlueMix, IoT and more!

I really had a great time at TiEcon this past week. What an event! From my Internet of Things keynote to the Watson presence and BlueMix workshop, the largest entrepreneur conference in the world was packed with a phenomenal array of business and thought leaders from across the planet!


More on TiEcon

Everything you need to know, you learned in kindergarten!

What is the most important lesson of all? That SHARING is what counts! Watch this Coffee Break video to learn why in business it’s no longer what you know: it’s what you share.
