FOMA - What are you looking at today?

I am seeing this "Fear of Missing Out" growing and emerging as a new stress point.   With everyone watching social networks, where people only post the "great things",

This phenomenal has become so common that it was placed in the dictionary in 2013.  FOMO is defined as the "anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website."

So that you do not get caught up in this new theme, here's some tips:

  1. Stay focused on what's important to focus on in your life.    Set your goals and where you want to go.   Don't go with a goal just because someone else has.
  2. Remind yourself that what's posted is only part of life.   Most people most the signature moments of their life, not everything.   Your mundane moments are part of life -- maybe just not tweetable!
  3. Enjoy and focus on what you have -- not just what others have!   This is true in life overall!   But in particular in Social Media.

Just for fun -- DubSmash

My kids were at their grandparents the last week and so to keep in touch we did a series of "dubsmash' videos to communicate.

Yes, we discovered this through my Brother and Sister in Law and have had a blast doing it!

Just a fun Wed tip!

Go to the AppStore and look for DubSmash.  It is fun!

Act like an Open API!


Domino's Pizza App on the Apple iWatch!

Guys .... I love this app for the iWatch to track your pizza from your wrist!   You can find the app from the iTunes store.

What other super apps are you seeing for the iWatch?

dominos watch




Birds in a V Formation -- Enabled to Change Speed Quickly Based on the Lead Bird

Today, I was at the beach -- my favorite place in the world!  As I was laying down I looked up and saw the birds positioning themselves into a new V formation.

Some lessons I learned from the "V":

  1.  Speed of change.  It's amazing how quickly they can respond to any changes from the bird in front. The V enables them to sense each other's movements especially the leader's faster.
  2. Take Turns.  Birds take turns at the front.  Each then takes a turn at leading and following.
  3. By working together, a flock of birds is greater than the sum of its parts. By not being selfish, individual birds can reap the collective advantage of aerodynamic movements.

Is your team so in sync that they can respond with speed to the leader's movements?

I've learned that much can be learned at the beach!!!!