Tesla Dishes on Social!

At the last TieCon event in San Fran, some got to go on a Tesla tour!  What a great set of learnings but of course, loving social, I took away the following on Tesla, featured in an article in Fast Company, Musk lists 4 lessons we can all benefit from:

1. Own your executive brand – If you don’t somebody else will

2. Humanize your brand

3. Don’t show up and then fall silent

4. Use Twitter as a leadership tool

Digital tip of the week – LinkedIn netiquette: how to “behave” in LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups have become a good source of business information but could easily derive to an incorrect behavior (eg. Use posts for commercial advertising), which can be considered bad netiquette in this network. The LinkedIn Groups normally have their own rules, but there are some general tips to be a good “neighbor” on this social network:

Align the content of your post with the group mission and policies and try to add some value (check with the group manager if you are not sure your post is appropiate)

Try not to create more than one or two discussions per week (if you need more, maybe you should consider creating your own group)

If the group does not have policies, read the atmosphere and see what other people post or the content that seems to get a lot of people’s coments.


Buildings become smarter with Big Data, Analytics, and Cloud!

Happy Monday and welcome to our Coffee Break!

Today, we are going to see how buildings become smarter with big data, analytics, and cloud.  These "smarts" are important to help companies to optimize their office space.




Macy’s is dressing each customer with data and social!

I love this Macy's story of their use of Big Data and Social almost as much as I love shopping!!!!!


And read this case study! The highlights are:

  • Macy’s wanted its online store to offer a more personalized shopping experience so they established a more engaging and data driven website.
  • With IBM Big Data & Analytics, customer preferences can be combined with recent purchase histories to create personalized recommendations and promotions.
  • The result, called "My Macy’s," is a sweeping initiative designed to embed a customer-centric philosophy into every aspect of the company’s operations.


Germany and Social Business! An Infographic

Do you remember when we did the 5 Social Business Surprises?  One of those was Germany's leadership of the world in Social Business especially inside of companies.

Now, 2 years later, we see that the social business landscape in Germany is growing in leaps and bounds. According to forecasts by the Experton Group, social business investments for communication and collaboration in Germany are set to grow by more than 50 percent per year from 2013 to 2016.

The number of social business solutions available on the market is growing at the same rapid pace. To help customers make decisions within this environment, the Experton Group identified and assessed around 100 social business offerings. The Social Business Vendor Benchmark 2014 is the first extensive comparative study of its kind in Germany.




Social in the Pharmacy Industry - changing the world with Alden Zecha, Sproxil

A must watch!


Bluemix Day in Bangalore Today! A Video on the next set!

India is on fire for Bluemix!   Please join us!



Bangalore bluemix

IBM is #1 for the 5th year in Enterprise Social Software! A COOL Infographic

YEA!  Today, IDC announced that for the fifth consecutive year, IDC ranked IBM the #1 company in worldwide market share for enterprise social software. According to IDC's analysis of 2013 revenue, the worldwide market for enterprise social software applications grew from $968 million in 2012 to $1,242 million in 2013. 1

Today more organizations aspire to become a Social Business. Leading organizations – including 75 percent of the Fortune 100 – are transforming how they connect, collaborate and get work done using IBM enterprise social software.

You guys all know I love basketball so I love our infographic looking at the progression.

THANK YOU to all of our CLIENTS who made this happen!


WINNER Infographic_social_software_2010-2014_FINAL

USC's Pete Cardon - an advocate for Social in Education!
