Digital tip of the week – Create customize LindedIn invitations for better engagement

Social Business leadership lessons from playing Candy Crush!

One of the funner videos on Social Business Lessons!

Customer-Centric Leadership - One of my Picks for HBS Learnings!

At the end of this week I will be heading to Boston for my HBS Reunion!  I am so excited about seeing my friends and their families.

The other thing I love about our reunions are the case studies that drive new learnings.  One of the case studies I cannot wait for is on the Taj -- in particular, the bravery and resourcefulness shown by the rank-and-file employees of the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower luxury hotel during the terrorist attacks that took place in Mumbai, India, on Nov. 26 2008.

It will be a lesson in customer-centric leadership including the hotel’s history, its approach to training, and the “guest is God” philosophy inherent in Indian culture.   It is interesting that the Taj employees stayed at their posts, jeopardizing their safety to save hotel guests.

Can this level of loyalty and dedication be replicated and scaled elsewhere?  I will learn their secrets!

View the case at

Digital tip of the week – Twitter’s analytics dashboard now available for everyone

From our Business Tech Trends report, we found that Pacesetters leverage Analytics in all they do.

Check it out here!

  • “Raising the game: The IBM Business Tech Trends Report”
  • The IBM Tech Trends interactive Dashboard

Twitter has made its analytics dashboards available to all its users. You can now find data on how many people have seen and clicked on tweets from your account and get real-time information on engagement, retweets, replies, favorites and clicks for a tweet.

The tool also provides information that only third-party applications could serve until now, such as statistics on number of followers gathered over a two-year period, as well as detailing their sex, interests and location.

This feature was at first only available for advertisers and verified users and there is a help guide and FAQ on its Help Centre website. To access the services, you would need to login with your Twitter details on .

Citizen developers drive more innovation for Pacesetters!

You've probably heard the term “citizen developer,” but have you considered using citizen developers as a partner resource? Robin Jones' quote from our Business Tech Trends webcast provides a great example of the influence citizen developers can have, even with large companies like Esri.

Citizen developers are creative hobbyists who build business applications for fun. It's not their day job, and they typically don't have the budget for expensive tools to help them build. Bluemix is a great example of a powerful, inexpensive tool for mobile app development. That's why Bluemix is such a game-changer!

In fact, Pacesetters are twice as likely to leverage citizen developers!


You might not expect to see a partnership between a citizen developer and a booming enterprise. However, our Business Tech Trend study shows that citizen developers are not only partnering with enterprises, they are influencing the way companies like Esri are developing products, shaping APIs, and writing their business models!

On the webcast last week, Robin explained it like this. She said that citizen developers are extremely creative at pulling together multiple “best in class” systems and leveraging free and open source tools. When Esri, a provider of geographic information systems software, provides open source tools for citizen developers to use, the results are a whole new understanding of the tools and how they can be used!

For more awesome insight from Robin and our other partners who participated in last week's Entrepreneur Huddle, register for the replay now!!

Trends on Social ! Pacesetters are more than 6X more to use social to improve experience

We just published our new Business Tech Trend report with over 1400 decision makers.    From this report, take a look at gains in Social deployment over the last 2 years.   It is up 106%

maturity social btt

Then we studied the Pacesetters.  Pacesetters are those who have dedicated their competitive focus through technology and are seeing better business value.


But what I find most exciting -- is the way these Pacesetters are using Social.   They 6X more likely to use Social for communication and to improve client experience.    In addition, they use social 3X more than those laggards for expanding into new segments and markets.

social btt view

Please join us on the Entrepreneur huddle to learn more!  

The 3 key take aways to help You become a pacesetter  are:

  1. Understanding the Pacesetters secrets.   Download the picture book:
  2. Leverage the data in the study and experiment Developing an App on Bluemix :
  3. Register now for Watson Analytics Beta!  This solution brings predictive capability to the non techy!