Across all your social tools of choice, you should plan your social brand or create it (a longer blog on this later!)

But for now, think through a few things:

  • What do you want your brand to stand for?
  • What picture is your brand?
  • How do you leverage for your company?

You want your profile to be amazing (see this one !  )

Remember, brand is about emotion. Think through these items!



  • Writing and reusing in every social tool your “Brand Elevator Pitch”
  • A consistent picture throughout Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
  • Search yourself on: Google and see what your brand is today.
  • Leverage groups on LinkedIn and Facebook.  Stay in touch regularly – link back to your blogs.
  • Actively manage what is posted on your wall.

So, our 1-2-3 tips! 

1.  Decide your personal brand and match your actions to the brand!

2.  Choose the right tools (LinkedIn, Tweetdeck, WordPress, etc.)

3.  Always ask is what I am doing right consistent with my brand?