Great news! HootSuite has now integrated into my favorite social platform, IBM Connections!

As you know, thousands of companies have deployed social software for their internal collaboration and/or to build and maintain relationships with their partners and customers.

To manage my own social presence on public social networks such as Twitter, I use HootSuite.

I’m not the only one who uses different tools to manage social within my company and outside of my company.  As I spoke with Forbes earlier this week (CLICK HERE), many companies are seeing the business value of social media and understanding that it’s imperative to bring social media and internal enterprise communications together in order to better serve customers and engage employees. This effective distribution of content both internally and externally to an organization is a component of a social content curation plan.

Today HootSuite announced (Announcement) the private Beta integration with IBM Connections platform.

Now with a couple of clicks, I can publish content into my IBM Connections status update and Community streams directly from the HootSuite dashboard.  Viola!  I can also view all my social media channels, including IBM Connections from within the HootSuite dashboard!


The HootSuite – IBM Connections Application is free for HootSuite Enterprise and IBM Connections customers.  Get started now!  Request the beta here